The House Upkeep Checklist
Looking after a property can be strenuous. The list of tasks which need to be carried out yearly and monthly can stack up uncontrollably if left to their own devices.
Here is a brief overview of what needs to be done when looking after a property. For new home owners especially, this list could have some points you may of overlooked.
Clean kitchen sink waste disposal. Inspect and possibly change filters in air conditioning units. Change range hood filters. Inspect any fire extinguishers you have.
Test smoke alarms. Make sure the garage door auto-reverse is functioning correctly. Run water and flush toilets if they are not regularly used. Check water softener and add salt if required.
Test the boilers pressure valve. Give the house a general deep clean. Replace batteries in smoke detectors. Vacuum refrigerator coils.
A general list, but may cover some areas you may not of thought of.