2015 Modern Home Design Tips, Part 2

Continued from the previous post
There are many unique design trends falling onto homes this autumn. From geometric patterns to traditional wallpaper styles. The choice of styles and ideas appearing this time of year are things to take advantage of.
With so many different designs available its time to start finding places other than walls to use them. Cabinet interiors, bookshelf end papers, and draw linings are some of the ways you can add a whimsical touch to your home décor.
Electric Hues
Surprising pops of colour add a startling edge to furniture and ornaments in and around the home. A bright yellow interior within a deep brown cabinet for example, can add create a modern twist on a traditional item.
Black and White Graphics
Black and white designs mixed with metals are a common theme in home design now. Mixing super modern graphic shapes with the warmth of precious metals adds a specialised style to any interior design.